Murine B16 melanoma IFN-γ reporter cells
  • 品牌:Invivogen
  • 产地:国外
  • 型号:详询
  • 货号:bb-ifng
  • 发布日期: 2023-03-30
  • 更新日期: 2024-08-12
产地 国外
保存条件 -20℃保存
品牌 Invivogen
货号 bb-ifng
用途 科研
组织来源 详询
细胞形态 详询
保质期 详询
器官来源 详询
免疫类型 详询
品系 详询
生长状态 详询
物种来源 详询
包装规格 详询

Cell line description:

B16-Blue™ IFN-γ cells derive from the murine B16 melanoma cell line of C57BL/6 origin after stable transfection with a SEAP (secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase) reporter gene under the control of the IFN-inducible ISG54 promoter enhanced by a multimeric interferon-sensitive response element (ISRE).
B16-Blue™ IFN-γ cells do not respond to IFN-α/β, due to the inactivation of the type I IFN receptor. B16-Blue™ IFN-γ cells respond specifically to mIFN-γ and do not respond to human IFN-γ.

Stimulation of B16-Blue™ IFN-γ cells with mIFN-γ triggers the production of SEAP. Levels of SEAP in the supernatant can be easily determined with QUANTI-Blue™ Solution, a medium that turns purple/blue in the presence of SEAP and by reading the OD at 655 nm.