Invitrogen™ Bac-N-Blue™ 转染试剂盒
  • 品牌:ThermoFisher
  • 产地:美国
  • 货号:K85501
  • cas:详询
  • 发布日期: 2022-09-22
  • 更新日期: 2024-08-12
产地 美国
保存条件 2-8℃保存
品牌 ThermoFisher
货号 K85501
用途 详询
检测方法 详询
CAS编号 详询
保质期 一年
适应物种 详询
检测限 详询
数量 大量
包装规格 5 transfections
标记物 详询
纯度 详询%
样本 详询
应用 详询
Recombinant viruses have a full-length, functional lacZ gene resulting in the production of blue plaques. This allows for easy identification and purification. Bac-N-Blue™ DNA can be used with any polyhedrin promoter-based baculovirus transfer vector. Bac-N-Blue™ DNA is linearized at three sites, one of which is in a gene that is essential for viral propagation. This leads to a decrease in non-recombinant virus, making selection and purification of recombinant virus easy. In addition to the viral DNA, the Bac-N-Blue™ Transfection Kit contains Cellfectin™ Reagent for high transfection efficiency.