AMH (Porcine) ELISA
  • 品牌:Ansh Labs
  • 产地:国外
  • 型号:50μL
  • 货号:AL-169
  • 发布日期: 2022-08-25
  • 更新日期: 2024-08-12
产地 国外
保存条件 详询
品牌 Ansh Labs
货号 AL-169
用途 详询
检测方法 详询
保质期 详询
适应物种 详询
检测限 详询
数量 详询
包装规格 50μL
标记物 详询
纯度 详询%
样本 详询
应用 详询

Product Description:Anti-Müllerian hormone is a 140 kDa glycoprotein that is produced during normal embryogenesis by the Sertoli cells of the embryonic testis, causes the involution of the Müllerian duct, and inhibits female gonadogenesis by inducing apoptosis of target gonadal cells. It belongs to the transforming growth factor-β super family. AMH causes apoptosis of specific Anti-Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) receptor-bearing cells, while having no effect on cells without receptors. AMH is also expressed in granulosa cells of preantral and small antral follicles in the ovary, and AMH inhibits recruitment of primordial follicles into the pool of growing follicles, and decreases responsiveness of growing follicles to FSH.

Regulatory Status:For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

Packaging:96 well microtiter

Detection:HRP-based ELISA, colorimetric detection by dual wavelength absorbance at 450 nm and 630 nm as reference filter

Dynamic Range:8, 0.2-13 ng/mL

Limit of Detection:0.055 ng/mL

Sample Type:Serum

Assay Time:3.5 hours

Species Reactivity:Porcine

Shelf Life:24 months